Online payment gateways are the foundation stones of e-commerce. Through effective payment gateways, businesses can facilitate seamless transactions across the global digital marketplace. With the e-commerce market projected to reach $24.3 trillion by 2025, ensuring...

Category: security
Securing your E-Commerce Future: Infographic
Why do 60% of Fortune 500 companies use Adobe ColdFusion?
Adobe ColdFusion, with its legacy in web development, has been a cornerstone for businesses, both enterprise and SMB. Its dynamic features, combined with a user-friendly interface, have made it a preferred choice of "60% of the world's Fortune 500...
Why do Developers love using ColdFusion?
For the untrained eye, all programming and web development languages might seem the same, however for seasoned developers the nuances can be the difference between smooth sailing and a never-ending backload of monotonous work and tedious tasks. When taking a deep dive...
Is Adobe ColdFusion Dead? After Decades of ColdFusion Experience Adobe ColdFusion Is Alive and Kicking!
Is Adobe ColdFusion dead? We’ve heard enough. I have personally been developing web applications using Adobe ColdFusion for more than 20 years. That’s not to say that ColdFusion is the only tool in my development toolbox, but it’s one that I’ve maintained as my...
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